
Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela!

Hello loves! This post is one of my monthly challenges from Fashion Bloggers Venezuela, and just like every other month we have a # you can use to see all of the entries from this month’s participants. This month is called #RetoEffortless and (you guessed it) it was all about putting together a look without putting too much effort into it.

In my case effortless means putting on things that look good because they are perfect matches for me, neutral colors and include my favorite shoes, aka “mom shoes.”

To put this outfit together I used one of my favorite trends at the moment, which is the pleated, metallic midi skirt with my go-to tennis shoes and “my favorite shirt” that all of us have in our closets – that shirt we all have and keep in our closets for years and years. There’s just no way I can get rid of it! I love it and I think I’ve had it for four years, but I honestly haven’t thought for a second to stop using it. For me it’s a sure thing, and whenever I’m unsure of what to wear I always go right back to it.

So my recommendation to put together an effortless outfit is to wear something you are comfortable in and that you feel good about without even thinking about it. Always keep 3 or 4 looks that you love that you can immediately go to when you don’t know what to wear or when you don’t want to think too much about your outfit before going out. If you do, you’ll be comfortable and get ready very quickly without even an ounce of effort.

I’m attaching the link here! to the Fashion Bloggers Venezuela blog so you can go and leave us a little love. Don’t forget to check us out on Instagram and the # too! I’m also including a link here! with a few pictures on how I wear this blouse in one of my favorite looks ever! Kisses and we’ll catch up soon on the interwebs!

As always, and now more than ever,

Stay Fabulous and KIND!

Love, Lola

Hola loves! Este post es uno de los retos para la comunidad de Fashion Bloggers Venezuela y como todos los meses tenemos un # que pueden pasar a mirar para ver las propuestas de todos los integrantes de la comunidad! Este mes se llama #RetoEffortless y justamente se trataba de componer un look sin mucho esfuerzo.


En mi caso effortless se trata de ponerme cosas que se ven bien juntas porque son combinaciones seguras para mí, colores neutros y mis zapatos favoritos aka “mom shoes”.

Mezclé una de mis tendencias favoritas del momento, que es la falda plisada y metalizada midi con zapatos deportivos que son mi go-to del día a día con “mi camisa favorita.” Todas tenemos en nuestro closet esa camisa que amamos que pasa años y años en nuestro closet, no hay manera de deshacerme de ella. Eso es esta camisa para mí. La amo y creo que debo tener unos 4 años con ella pero no hay manera de que la deje de usar. Es mi pieza segura, siempre que tengo duda recurro a ella.

Así que mi recomendación para ponerte un look effortless, es decir sin mucho esfuerzo, es que vayas a lo seguro y cómodo, ten en tu closet 3 o 4 looks que ames y a los que puedas recurrir siempre que no sepas qué ponerte o que no quieras pensar mucho en que ponerte, así siempre estarás cómoda y lista sin mucho esfuerzo.

Les dejo aquí el link del blog de la comunidad para que pasen a darnos amor y no olviden pasar por Instagram y revisar el #!  También les agrego aquí cómo me he puesto esta blusa en uno de mis looks favoritos ever! Besos y nos vemos en la inter web.


Como siempre y ahora más que nunca,

Stay fabulous and KIND

Love, Lola

Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela! OH LOLA BLOG. Kimberly Pfaheler. Miami-Fashion-Blogger

Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela! OH LOLA BLOG. Kimberly Pfaheler. Miami-Fashion-Blogger

Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela! OH LOLA BLOG. Kimberly Pfaheler. Miami-Fashion-Blogger

Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela! OH LOLA BLOG. Kimberly Pfaheler. Miami-Fashion-Blogger

Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela! OH LOLA BLOG. Kimberly Pfaheler. Miami-Fashion-Blogger

Reto Effortless, Fashion Bloggers Venezuela! OH LOLA BLOG. Kimberly Pfaheler. Miami-Fashion-Blogger




  1. J. Eduardo wrote:

    First, you are gorgeous. Second, I always love your work, since day1! This is such a fun post and, as always, well written.

    Published 1.30.17

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