Thank you Wilson Creek Winery for sponsoring this post. Wilson Creek Winery encourages you to celebrate the little things in life with their line of sparkling wines.
Hi loves! Lately I’ve been so busy (and happy!) since our move from Washington, D.C. to Miami, and SO much happens that sometimes time just flies by without stopping to enjoy all the new changes! Life is short – and I believe in making your path and journey a sacred one, a unique one, a FUN one. I feel like so often I fall into this routine of not celebrating when truly fantastic (albeit minor) victories or changes happen in my life. For example, since we moved from Washington, D.C., each of us has had an achievement (or multiple achievements) that have brought us closer as a family and just happier overall. That’s why, I am all about living my best life celebrating our successes with Wilson Creek Winery, and adding classy, fun moments and flavor to my weekly lifestyle for a little pat on the back!

In particular as a parent, don’t you just feel overwhelmed sometimes? I know my situation is a bit unique, since we’ve moved a several times in the last few years, but even if you haven’t moved cities, don’t you sometimes just feel overwhelmed by the constant demands of your daily routine? I’ve gone so long without celebrating the little things in my life that I feel that celebration, in whatever form you might choose, could make all the difference in your attitude, your mood, your drive, etc. The whole “wake up, make breakfast, take kids to school, run to work, pound through long work hours, rush back home in rush hour traffic, make dinner, put kids to bed, go to bed, start over” routine can be EXHAUSTING.

But you HAVE to stop and CELEBRATE. Even the little things that represent minor achievements (and big ones too, of course), need a place in your life to, at least momentarily, recognize, frame, and put in context. For us, it’s been realizing how grateful we are that Vera adjusted well to her new school in Miami. For Mr. P, it’s been that he’s surrounded by thoughtful and relatable people in a corporate environment (not always easy to find!). For me, it’s been being able to just drop everything and see family if I want on a random Tuesday, something that I couldn’t do in Washington, D.C. because we didn’t have anyone closer than 3 hours away!

THIS is why I busted out the Wilson Creek sparkling wines this past week with Mr. P, to simply celebrate these awesome achievements that sometimes go overlooked (even by us!). I immediately loved the Almond Sparkling wine, since it’s so unique with its light hint of almond flavoring that really surprised me with it’s delicious, subtle essence. Wilson Creek also offers 10 awesome flavors you can find at your local store, online, and at their breath-taking location in Temecula Valley Wine Country. This beautiful winery is family-owned and known for their quality products and amazing hospitality. They offer so many wines, from all across the spectrum in terms of flavor, make, and price. For me, they’ve quite frankly become my go-to and Mr. P and I even make a game out of when we have small victories now, either at work, in traffic, with family – WHATEVER we can amp up and make better and celebrate – we DO, with a little sparkling wine to add some zest to our days.

How do you like to celebrate? Do you party, do you talk about it with someone, or maybe do you let little beautiful achievements just slip by? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to know!

Stay Fabulous and Kind
Love, Lola
I always love these recommendations! I will definitely buy the almond flavor – my mouth is watering already! Besides, I agree, we have to celebrate more of our small wins on a daily basis!!!