Even though we’re still in the middle of winter, I’m sure you’ve already started to see all of the trends for the upcoming season start to make their way to the racks in every store possible, and this one in…
The Modern Salon Everyone Must Visit: Be Scene Studio
To me, as a woman, your hair is your crown – you have to wear it to your liking, always and everywhere. My hair has always been one of my favorite features to style but it’s been a long time…
3 Tips for Winter Layering
I have proven to myself that it is possible to look good while layering for winter. I won’t lie, I had my doubts for sure, I thought it was going to be very hard for me to feel comfortable, warm,…
25 Blog Post Ideas: Fashion, Travel, Beauty and Lifestyle
It happens to all of us that some days we’re more inspired than others – sometimes we wake up with the best ideas and easily motivated to work on a particular project, but other days aren’t so great. For those…
Bringing the New Year in with a Statement
Como les he dicho en varias ocasiones no hago planes, lo que sí hago son declaraciones. Tampoco hago resoluciones en realidad me manejo de una manera bastante espontánea, me gusta ir con el flow y vibrar positivo en todo lo…