
Embrace Yourself…

I chose this dress because I loved the color combination but before trying it on I was almost sure it wasn’t going to fit. I’m pretty short and pieces that only go down to my shin make me look even shorter, especially because I have a very full figure for such thick fabric. I thought immediately, I’m going to look fat, the horizontal lines are going to make me look wider, it’s better I don’t even try it on (and here comes the infamous “that does not look good on me”). Despite my initial thought, I tried it on because that’s how I am (stubborn, my Mom would say) and the truth is I was impressed when I put this beauty on and I bought it.

I’m telling you this story because I want to convince you to be stubborn. There is a saying, which goes like this: “nobody grows in a comfort zone.” I am 100% sure this is true. I’m not just talking about clothes, I’m talking about a repression that some women feel because they believe we don’t have the body or the size, and the predispositions that something won’t fit or work or match our skin tone. These are all just limitations created by ourselves or maybe by society, which grows more unfair with women by the day – every day it gives less but demands more of us.

I come from a country where being pretty is more important than it should be, where little girls’ dreams are so often to be beauty queens instead of presidents. My intention isn’t to criticize anyone, I just think these stereotypes aren’t good or healthy for society – that if I’m tall, fat, skinny, ugly, or pretty it changes who I am or my essence. The reality is that I am a huge fan of women. I think we are creatures that carry light, we make incomparable, and more or less magical, things in this world.

I want my daughter to grow up in an environment with equality and harmony, and for her to focus more on her values than her appearance. I don’t have anything against prettiness, like all people I am attracted to beauty. I don’t see anything wrong with being beautiful and to want to be beautiful or healthy, but what I don’t agree with is that society pressures us to be this or that kind of woman, the same society that says that bigger girls shouldn’t wear horizontal lines or that a girl should focus more on how she looks than how she educates herself. Stereotypes were created by uncreative and lazy people who didn’t have any desire to understand that we are all unique, different, and magnificent, and instead wanted to put all of us in the same bucket, because we are a certain color or size. Screw all of the stereotypes and enjoy yourself, live life to the fullest, exactly how you are, beautiful, miraculous, and full of light. Love you always.

Stay True to yourself,

Love Lola


Este vestido lo escogí porque amé los colores y la combinación pero antes de medírmelo estaba casi segura de que no me iba a quedar bien. Yo soy muy bajita, las cosas a media pierna me hacen ver mas corta. Me decía, mi figura es muy rellena para esa tela tan gruesa, me voy a ver gorda, las rayas horizontales me ensanchan la figura, mejor ni me lo pruebo (y ahí viene el súper famoso “a mí eso no me queda bien”) igual me lo probé porque yo soy así (porfiada, diría mi mama) y la verdad quedé impresionada cuando me lo medí y lo compré.

Les cuento esta historia porque quiero convencerlas de ser porfiadas. Hay un dicho que dice que “nada crece en la zona de confort”, y yo estoy completamente segura de que eso es así. Acá no sólo hablamos de ropa, hablamos de una represión que sentimos algunas mujeres por creer que no tenemos el cuerpo o el tamaño. Todas estas predisposiciones de que algo no nos queda o no nos sirve o no va con nuestro color de piel, son simplemente limitaciones creadas por nosotras mismas o quizás por esta sociedad que todos los días es más injusta, que todos los días da menos y exige más.

Yo vengo de un país donde ser bonita es más importante de lo que debería, donde los sueños de las niñas son ser reinas en vez de presidentes. Mi intensión no es criticar a nadie, simplemente creo que estos estereotipos no son buenos ni sanos para la sociedad, que si soy alta, gorda, flaca, fea o bonita eso cambia mi ser o mi esencia. La realidad es que yo soy fan de la mujer, creo que somos seres de luz, que generamos cosas incomparables y más o menos mágicas.

Yo quiero que mi hija crezca en un ambiente de armonía e igualdad y que se ocupe más de sus valores que su apariencia. Ojo, no tengo nada en contra de la belleza, lo bonito a mí como a todos me atrae, no le veo nada de malo a ser bella y a querer estar bella o ser saludable. Con lo que no estoy de acuerdo es con las presiones de la sociedad para que seas una cosa o la otra, esa misma sociedad que dice que las gorditas no deberían ponerse rayas horizontales o que una niña debe fijarse más en cómo se ve que en cómo se instruye. Los estereotipos fueron creados por gente poco creativa y perezosa que no tenía ganas de entender que todos somos únicos diferentes y maravillosos, pretendiendo meternos a todos en un mismo saco, porque somos de un color o de un tamaño especifico. Manden al carajo los estereotipos y disfrútense, vívanse, así como son bellas, milagrosas y de luz. Las quiero siempre.


Stay True to yourself,

Love Lola

Embrace Yourself. Oh Lola. Kimberly Pfaehler. Midi Dress

Embrace Yourself. Oh Lola. Kimberly Pfaehler. Midi Dress

Embrace Yourself. Oh Lola. Kimberly Pfaehler. Midi Dress



  1. Isabel wrote:

    A ti todo te queda hermoso! Me encanto todo lo mencionado este post está entre mis top 5 ?? Bravo por ello!

    Published 10.12.16
  2. Stephanie wrote:

    Y te ves fabulosa a mi me encanta este vestido!

    Published 10.12.16
  3. Noyemi wrote:

    I absolutely love this dress on you! Its insanely flattering and I have always worn horizontal stripes because I DON’T follow fashion rules! Great read =)

    Published 10.12.16
  4. When I shop (very rarely) I bring 10-20 outfits into a dressing room and try them all on – invariably 1 or 2 will look good and I’ll buy them, so I agree, you never know until you try!

    Published 10.12.16
    • OhLola wrote:

      Yes that’s correct, you just have to try!

      Published 10.12.16
  5. I’m glad you put your worries aside but this dress looks amazing on you!!! I have one similar and i cant wait to wear it!

    Published 10.12.16
    • OhLola wrote:

      Thanks so much! Nat, besos.

      Published 10.12.16
  6. Le Blonde wrote:

    La mayoría de los “no me queda bien” es mas mentira que otra cosa, demasiados complejos que tenemos nosotras las mujeres y ninguno es real. me encanta que te hayas atrevido porque te ves alta, te lo dije en ig, marcas tus curvas perfectamente y el color del vestido es ideal para ti. Bella!


    Published 10.12.16
    • OhLola wrote:

      Correcto hay que probar! gracias por los complements. Besos bella.

      Published 10.12.16
  7. Me encanta como escribes! Lindo post!

    Published 10.12.16
    • OhLola wrote:

      Gracias Li! Besos.

      Published 10.12.16
  8. Loreana wrote:

    What a powerful post! Me encanto!

    Published 10.12.16
    • OhLola wrote:

      Que bueno bella, gracias por leer.

      Published 10.12.16
  9. Tinseldot wrote:

    Absolutely in love with this post❤️..

    She was beautiful, for the way she thought. She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful, for her ability to make others smile, even if she was sad. No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.” F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Cat & Jules

    Published 10.12.16
    • OhLola wrote:

      Oh my gosh I love this, what an amazing quote. Thanks girls for stopping by, it really means the world!

      Published 10.12.16
  10. You look stunning in that dress! Also, I love the message the post leaves you with! ❤️

    Published 10.12.16
  11. Luz wrote:

    Te ves maravillosa, abajo los estereotipos y las limitaciones mentales, todos somos hermosos!

    Me encantó este look y aún mas el post.

    Published 10.13.16
  12. M-Squared wrote:

    Obsessed with this dress!!! I’m traveling in December and feel like this dress would be a great addition to my wardrobe!!!

    Published 10.13.16
  13. yined wrote:

    Me hubiera gustado leerte antes de ir de compras hoy. I looked at things that didn’t bother to try thinking that they were not going to fit. Thanks for your words. Además, te ves fabulosa.

    Published 10.13.16

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