This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Gensavis. The opinions and text are all mine.
This week has been a whirlwind with little baby V, since she became a little less of a baby this week and finally turned 3!! Now that we are back from our trip, I wanted to talk (and ask!) you about how you make sure your little ones are getting the vitamins they need. It’s honestly a topic that I feel like so many parents have an issue with (at least I’ve seen that in conversations with other parents) since so much of today’s world is quick-paced and it’s so easy to miss out on either one food group or another. While I’ve worked on creating weekly meal plans and doing my best to make sure Vera eats healthy every day, I’ve also been doing research about what I can give her to make sure she gets all the vitamins she needs. That’s why I want to talk to you today about a fantastic product that I LOVE and have been using lately: the NovaFerrum Multivitamin with Iron Supplement[MD1] for children under 4.

I was a little worried recently when I read that iron is one of the most crucial vitamins for child development and growth – mainly because most iron-rich foods are vegetables! And Vera is a bit of the stereotypical toddler when it comes to eating veggies: she doesn’t like almost any of them! It’s almost always been that way – even though, on the flip side, she is OBSESSED with almost all fruits, and eats them almost every day. Even though she is taller than the average 3-year old according to her most recent doctor visit, I wanted to make sure she gets the essential vitamins she needs, and in particular iron.

That said, the NovaFerrum Multivitamin with Iron Supplement gave me everything I was looking for and more – it has 100% daily servings of vitamins A, B, and D AND a daily dose of iron – giving Vera everything she needs, every single day. She has actually loved taking it since it comes in naturally sweetened raspberry-grape flavor – and I also felt at ease when I found it because it’s not only kosher and vegan verified, but it also is free of alcohol, sugar, dye, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, peanuts and tree nuts! Basically it’s safe for just about any and everybody, and that makes it easy to gift and also easy to give your little ones without worrying about its ingredients. I also LOVE that it has many of the vitamins recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (#Winning!) – seriously, we have to be kind of hawkish about the vitamins we give our little ones! Some of the results were noticeable extremely fast. Vera seems so much brighter and quicker in the mornings and is also more energetic later in the afternoons – a time that she’s usually MUCH sleepier.

Even though I’ve loved all the NovaFerrum multivitamin has to offer, I’d really like to hear from you about what you’ve tried and what you think works to get your kids all they need (nutritionally) on a daily basis. It’s so vital to their futures to start these good habits when they are little, and I would love to learn from you, too! Let me know in the comments!

Stay Fabulous and Kind
Love, Lola