This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Magique. The opinions and text are all mine.
Hey loves! I hope you are all soaking in the amazing Christmas spirit that is now in the air because there are so many fun and fantastic things happening this month! Are you done with Christmas shopping yet? OK, kidding, and if you are, please don’t let me know because then I’ll feel REALLY far behind. But I’m back today to share a product I talked about during the summer – but I think it would make for a great stocking stuffer over the holidays – Magique No Bite Nail Polish.

The truth is I’ve really been able to kick my old habit of nailbiting (REALLY old – I won’t specify what decade or century it all started in,but you get the picture!) with this nail polish and it’s super easy to usebecause it dries so quickly. The best part is that you can actually control thebitterness – you can tailor how bitter you want the solution to be and eitheroverload your taste or go light if you want! If the standard polish isn’tenough you can enhance the bitter taste when needed and really kick the habit.It’s biggest pro, though, is that it’s waterproof, odorless, and HEALTHY –there are no carcinogens like formaldehyde toluene dibutyl phthalate (DBP)formaldehyde resin or camphor for healthy nail care!

I also love this aspect of Magique products because I can usethem on Vera if I need (so far no need to do that, though!) and I’ve seen itwork with a couple of friends and their kids who used to bite their nails, too!It might be bitter but it’s WORTH the bitterness. Think about not only yourhands that you’ll be taking care of – but your teeth take a huge toll when youbite your nails regularly, too. This product seamlessly programs you to forgetall about that natural motion and habit and takes you to new level ofconsciousness – and helps you take care of yourself!

Let me know if you have any questions on how to use it inthe comments. Lots of love for the Christmas season in all its splendor andwonderful chaos!

Stay Fabulous and Kind
Love, Lola
Compré este producto porque mi hijo siempre se comía las uñas y nada funcionaba – pero este sí, muchísimas gracias!
The taste is very bitter but I LOVED the results – I kicked my habit in about a week with this! I have to stay on it but really I think this is the perfect solution – thanks so much for sharing!